MS and spirulina

Hi there
I am reading a lot of interesting thoughts on MS and Spirulina. I have just taken my first tablet and then sat down to do more research on it. I came across how people with MS shouldn't take it because it can boost their immue systems causing them to get worse. What a load of garbage. I have MS and recovered because I changed my lifestyle to become healthier. I have made my immune system the healthiest it can be and guess what? corrected itself and has stopped attacking me...I have not had a relapse for over 2 year and my symptoms have nearly all cleared up. I now travel and teach how I did this. I dont recommend taking too many tablets though, because everything should be in moderation.

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May 18, 2012
Multiple Sclerosis vs. Spirulina
by: Domen


First of all I would like to congratulate on the first comment on my web page :) and of course congrats on your fight with the trickiest disease around - MS.

Since I am not the one having MS (my older brother has had it for more than 10 years now) maybe it is not fair of me to be all smart about how to cure it, but over all these years we have learned a lot about MS:
- what you eat!
- how you live!
- health food supplements!
- mental health!
...all these matters a lot, or better to say: the right combination of all of these is what can maybe not cure your MS, but probably can clear your symptoms. In my Spirulina and Chlorella article I already wrote a story that I heard about pretty much treating all the symptoms of MS by taking Chlorella supplement. Recently I met a couple (wife has had MS for a I think two decades now) who treated MS by kind of a strange approach, which I am about to describe in the near future on my web page, however I need some more details.

To go back to your comment, I totally agree that you should not take too much Spirulina or Chlorella as you could experience side effects, which could possibly even worsen your condition. So, the right amount of health food supplements, healthy mental and spiritual life and everything that you consume should do the trick. Thats all for now...

I would really like to read more about your story and how you recovered from MS with more details.

If you prefer you can write directly to my webpage e-mail adress:

Domen, the author of

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